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lurxquad open

Lurxquad Open Update – Day 3

Greetings Lurxquad,

After updating our total kills for the 3rd day of the Lurxquad Open, the Lurxquad Leadership is beyond impressed!  As a result of your efforts, we’ve recorded 1,253 kills and that’s just those who are participating in the Lurxquad Open.  The hype keeps building with daily leader board updates, and we still have 15 days left to rack up kills.  We’ve witnessed DirtyLuke, Killerscout24 and Supah_TV trade positions in the top 3 slots (Mequab, Dabaphile, and Ckilla1017 are holding the bottom 3 firmly as well) and xThackAttackx put up the only COD:BO4 Blackout kills so far.  I  don’t think we anticipated this much entertainment when we put the tournament together.  With that said, here are the latest results as of 10 am CST:

Lurxquad Open updated 10:00 am CST December 13th, 2018

It really is anyone’s victory!  Do not let the leads discourage you.  All it takes is grinding the numbers in your free time and you’re on top of the board.  Those of you who are not participating should reconsider for the sake of tracking our total kills in the month of December for our first Lurxquad Open!  Any little bit will contribute to some really impressive numbers when this is all done.  You can register at any time.

New and Current members:  These tournaments require a lot of work from Community Leaders, and prizes are currently donated by us.  If you’re enjoying the event, consider dropping some bits, buying Lurxquad Merchandise or subscribing to Lurxquads Twitch to show your gratitude and help reimburse us/fund more events like this in the future.  Our mission is to be a self-sustaining non-profit support community that we can all enjoy together!  Your generosity will be distributed throughout our amazing Lurxquad community.  This first giveaway is on me. 😉


