Our Inaugural Lurxquad Open was a huge success because of you! Thank you, first and foremost, for showing up and giving it your all. For those that missed it, check out the results produced by the 24 competitors here. As December comes to a close, I’d like to reach out to each of you for ideas on the next Lurxquad Open. What ideas do you have that would increase participation? Are there other games besides Fortnite that you think our community can enjoy together for a month in friendly competition? Let us know in the form below or in the Lurxquad Discord in the #suggestions room.
When we initially planned the Fortnite/ BlackOps 4 competition, your Lurxquad Community Leaders had a few key features for the event in mind that I believe should resonate in the next LO:
- Contestants should not be required to purchase a game to participate.
- The event should involve as much of the Lurxquad Streamer community as possible.
- Future events should have prizes funded by subs, donations, and bits given to Lurxquad by community members within the month they are held.
- The event should be fun for all participants.
If we keep these four principles in mind, I’m certain the Lurxquad Open will be a longstanding success moving forward. It’s going to take support from the Lurxquad community (both by participants and non-participating members) for it to truly prosper. Have no fear…support comes in many forms. For some, support is hyping the event by talking trash to each other. For others, its sharing the event progress on social media and encouraging/lurking their fellow Luxquad Open participants. The newest element that is going to motivate others to try their hardest is by generating enough revenue to fund our event prizes.
I know, I used the “r” word. That’s the businessman in me, but unfortunately it’s a reality we must face if we’d like to continue to see tangible prizes awarded to the winner(s) of our events. I am in a position to willingly fund a few, but I don’t believe it’s a role I should continue to fill alone. It would take literally peanuts from each participant and a couple of generous donations from gracious members each month to award a really nice prize.
Trust me, I can already hear you…”But Threepounder, I have no chance of winning!”. Just by participating you’re receiving a tremendous amount of support and recognition. If you noticed, one of our most popular Tweets has been the results of the recent Lurxquad Open standings, which included everyone’s Twitch handle.Â
“Three, I can’t afford to give anything.” That’s OK, too! Watching a few ads for bits to donate is free-ninety-nine. Do it when you can and help out your brethren. You can also lurk, like, retweet, and shout out each other. Twitch Prime members can also donate their free sub to Lurxquad.Â
“This sounds like a cash grab.” Here’s where I come in. I’m promising this community that all subs, donations, merchandise sales, and bits received by the Lurxquad Twitch account will be transparent and available for anyone to see starting in 2019! Our leadership model ensures transparency as we have several safeguards against any one individual taking advantage of the generosity of others.
Starting in 2019, Lurxquad will have a link available in Discord with a current ledger showing all proceeds which will be accessible by any member of Lurxquad. Minded, we have some reimbursing to do as DuelingOgres & I have fit the bill for many of the features we all enjoy today. Reimbursement is not a priority of ours, so rest assured…we will reimburse ourselves only when the community shows signs of prosperity. The plan is to operate like a non-profit organization. All proceeds will benefit the community, in other words. The vision is having the ability to gift subs, fund tournaments, donate, etc. The sky is the limit as we continue to grow together.
All of us have gained something from Lurxquad. Most of us affiliated through Lurxquad, all of us have gained a friend, and everyone deserves to keep it that way. We’ll never require a membership fee to receive support, but the quality of our community is going to depend on the gratitude & continued support of our member base. I love you all, just not enough to pay for all the cool stuff forever! 😛 Let’s push Lurxquad into the realm of a true self-sustaining Streamer Support Community TOGETHER! We’ve done with under 100 members what other communities with THOUSANDS could not.
Regardless, 2019 is bright for Lurxquad! If we aren’t able to raise money for events, it’s business as usual and we’ll design a virtual “traveling trophy” of sorts for the Lurxquad Open and other events soon to come. If we can fund prizes, it will undoubtedly benefit us as a whole. I’m very proud of how far we’ve come in less than a year! I’d like to think we’ve fostered friendships that will last a lifetime, and look forward to what is to come. Thank you all for an awesome 2018, and I’m excited to see what 2019 has in store for us! Lurk hard, play hard.