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Lurktator Registration

What is a Lurktator?

A lurktator is a spectator. You, the viewer! The person who wants to have a conversation with the streamer and makes them feel as welcome in your home as they hope you feel in theirs. You may be a streamer yourself, or you may be an avid content consumer. Perhaps you’re looking for friends to play with!

A lurktator is a semi-official role in the structure of the Lurxquad. You’ll receive notices on upcoming events, gain special access to the Lurxquad Discord, check out the myriad of streamers we have in our ranks, join in group-play and tournaments, win prizes (soonâ„¢), and more on the way!

You will NOT gain experience or increase in level if you are a lurktator. If you are a streamer and want all the perks that comes with being a streamer in Lurxquad, please register here instead!

If this sounds up your alley, continue your support by registering below! We’re happy to have you aboard!

Must be 17 or older, as the Discord is adults only. If you are found to be younger, you will be banned from the Discord and removed from the site. 

Please check your spam/junk mail folder if you haven’t received your registration e-mail.

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